
Welcome to our community tennis.  Our aim - tennis for all - accessible, affordable and inclusive.

Friends If you are a paid up Friend of KPCT you can book free with the additional charge of 50p per half hour if your booking is during floodlit hours.

Friends and Guests Friends are welcome to invite guests to play with them.  There will be no charge for a guest up to a maximum of three visits.  After this please ensure your Guest joins the project as a Friend or pays the Guest Fee of £5 per visit.  This Guest Fee should be paid into the KPCT bank account Sort Code:  30-94-72. Account number 27133560 with the reference 'Guest' the date and guest's initials.

Pay and Play users can pay online for the court. Once you have booked the court you will receive an email confirmation with the gate access code.

Book and pay using your phone with the ClubSpark Booker app.