
Knebworth Parish News Article - December 2018

With dark evenings and colder weather the Club activity has changed into winter mode. Group coaching has continued with regular weekly sessions for junior and senior stalwarts. Cardio- tennis has stopped to be restarted next spring. Our regular Thursday evening Club session continues and as long as the weather has been reasonable has been well attended. The autumn has seen three Knebworth teams play in the Datchworth  Autumn League and now the teams are competing in the East Herts Winter leagues. In addition members are also involved in other competitive tennis such as Hot Rackets.

Winter has traditionally also seen the start of the regular indoor tennis club sessions on alternate Friday evenings at Gosling in Welwyn Garden City. The only change this year is that our coach Guy is also attending to keep us on our toes and that we are playing in the bubble area. Phil Skone remains the busy organiser of these events.  

The recent very well attended AGM saw considerable discussion on the issue of resurfacing the courts. While the need was agreed what is under discussion is the type of surface. Under serious consideration is a change from tarmac to the newest type of artificial surface which is proving popular in some of the other nearby Clubs and is better in slippery conditions and is easier on the knees! Costings are being worked on for various alternatives and a decision is likely to be made after further consultations with the membership early next year.

 For anyone interested in finding out a bit more about the Club they can either look at the website  ( , contact us by email  ( or alternatively drop by the Club in the Recreation Ground and talk to members – good times would be on a Sunday afternoon or a Thursday evening when there is usually plenty of activity.

Michael Maresh