
Knebworth Parish News Article - September 2018

Slightly variable weather in August did result in the occasional cancelling of matches and frantic checks on forecasts, but overall it was a successful month. Tournaments and club sessions have remained very well attended. The friendly club tournaments continue on Sundays in September, prior to us moving to indoor tournaments in the winter.

Tennis leagues - the summer Datchworth tennis leagues finished at the end of July, but the last fixture was after the deadline for the August Parish News and so we were unable to report then that Nic Bull’s 3rd Knebworth team achieved promotion with their last match. This was an exceptional season for them as they now moved up a division for the third successive year – a big challenge for them next summer!  Having had a break from league games over the summer these relatively friendly leagues restart in the autumn.

September – this will see the return of routine mini/junior coaching after school on a Friday (3 sessions beteween 4-7pm). The session for the oldest players was very active in the summer and will no doubt continue that way in September, although there is room for younger ones at the earlier sessions.  Senior coaching continues on Wednesday evenings and  our coach Guy has also been running our weekly Club night session on a Thursday evening once a month keeping us on our toes and giving us useful tips. Guy also provides individual coaching sessions (

Cardio-tennis – having been postponed during the hot weather the plan is to restart in September. Initially there will be a free taster session on Sunday 16th September between 11.30-12.30 run by Guy. This popular activity is primarily a fitness session and significant prior tennis experience is not required. It is suitable for children as low compression tennis balls are used and so it is also an ideal family activity.

Contact - anyone interested in finding out a bit more about the Club can either look at the website  ( , contact us by email  ( or alternatively drop by the Club in the Recreation Ground and talk to members – good times would be on a Sunday afternoon or a Thursday evening when there is almost always plenty of activity.

Michael Maresh