
Festive Fast4 2023

Wow, I'm thrilled to tell you that our Festive Fast4 event was a huge success! Seeing our band of passionate tennis players gathering together for a fun, competitive event is fantastic. The collective contribution, not the individual, makes these events so enjoyable.  A notable mention goes to Sarah Lonsdale, who received the Most Improved Player award. Sarah has been steadfast in attending and supporting the Coach & Play sessions, and her dedication to her own tennis and the tennis of others hasn't gone unnoticed. Well deserved, Sarah!

The top three players on the leaderboard are as follows

  1. Errol  -  32 points
  2. Mark - 28 points
  3. Savvas - 27 points 

Below the line are pictures from the main event.

Please rotate your device to view landscape images.


CAPTION: Sarah Lonsdale - Most improved player 2023

Caption: Errol Wee event winner 

Credit: Photography by Leda Omran