

Inaugural Lindow Oktoberfest proves to be a huge hit with members & non members alike.

Over 50 people turned up for an evening of beer, bratwurst & good company on a bright early October evening.

Resident grillmeister's Chris & Ian manned the barbecue, grilling the sausages to perfection, whilst Phil, Jane, Sally & Nicole took over the bar ensuring everyone was taking advantage of the excellent selection of authentic Munich Oktoberfest beers & German/Austrian wines.

The tv, blaring out music from the last televised Oktoberfest captured the atmosphere perfectly.

Club takings for the evening smashed previous events & will ensure we continue to work towards ongoing improvements to the courts and clubhouse.

Thanks to all for their contribution to making the night a huge success.

The beer!

The guests!


Chairman Phil, Sally and Jane!

The BBQ!

The Bratwurst!