
Fantastic news! The club will be re-opening on Monday 22 June 2020

Fantastic news! The club will be reopening on Monday 22 June 2020.

We will of course be following Government and Tennis Wales Guidance on keeping everyone safe.

Please note that in order to play tennis from Monday, a court must be booked online and this will only be possible once membership fees are paid.

Please go to Clubspark to renew your membership if you are an existing member. (see link on Membership page)

If you or anyone you know aren't members (perhaps you're a parent of a junior member but are thinking this is your opportunity to start up with tennis, or perhaps you know of friends and neighbours who want to try), please feel free to get in touch with the Club Membership Secretary  on 07757 506364. 

Individual coaching is also starting back from Monday 22nd June 2020 please contact  our Coach to book a session -

Many thanks and look forward to seeing you all on the courts soon!