Littletons Tennis Club Membership
Littletons Tennis Club Membership for Adults and Juniors.
Annual Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March.
For Season 2025/26 the subscriptions for membership are:
Adult £121 - New Members discount (1 year only) £84
Family (Up to 2 Adults and all under 18s at same address) £199.50 - New Members discount (1 year only) £168
Senior (in receipt of State Pension) £94.50
Intermediate (under 18) £42
Student (over 18 in fulltime education) £42
Junior £37
For membership enquiries please contact the Membership Secretary:–
All new members, and existing members whose details have changed, are requested to complete a Membership form, copies of which are available to download here:
2025/26 Membership forms:
Hard copies are available in the club house or from the Membership Secretary.
Membership Renewal – April 2024
Membership Subscriptions for the coming 2024/25 season are due on 1st April and all new members are requested to complete a Membership form in full. The form gives consent for the Club to hold all the necessary contact information about our members in order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. Where existing members' details have changed (i.e. moved house, changed email, phone numbers etc.) we ask that a new form is submitted so that we can update our records.
How to pay your subscriptions: (In all cases please send the Renewal/Membership Form back to Vannessa Duffy -
To pay by direct bank transfer please use the bank account details shown on the Membership form
Please reference your payment with your name so that we can identify it.
By cheque/cash:
Please make cheques payable to “Littletons Tennis Club”
Do not send cash through the post but please hand it to a committee member
When the subscriptions and form (where applicable) have been received, the new gate access code will be sent to you either by SMS text or email. If you would like it to be sent by post please enclose a SAE with your form