
Parent & Child Christmas Tennis Event

Play doubles mini-matches with your son or daughter in a team event on Mini-Tennis courts where every point scored counts toward your teams final score. The team with the most points at the end will be crowned “Tinsel Tennis Champions”.  Its fun, it's informal and it’s not overly-demanding.  We’ll follow-up with indoor games for the children in Llantonian Hall.

Its happening at 2.30pm and we ask that you sign-up via the “Events” page of our website so that we know how many are attending.

Entry is £5 per pair to include a mulled wine for parents, warm drink for kids, mince pies or gingerbread for all and a raffle ticket.

You’ll find further info under the "Events" tab.  Don’t delay.  Sign up and join the action - we’d love to see you there!