
Membership renewals


Over the last few years the Club has been considering moving from the current membership renewal process to an annual membership renewal date that is the same for everyone.

As it stands, each membership is due for renewal one year from the date that the person joined.  We've decided to align with most other clubs in South Wales by switching to a system where all fees are renewed on 1st April each year.

Don't worry, you won't be out of pocket, in fact we are freezing fees until March 2026

Why does the club need to do change my payment date?

It will help to reduce administrative duties for our volunteers as well as modernise and streamline the way we operate our membership packages.

How will it affect my renewal?

If your fees are due this month then please renew as usual.   You will receive a credit for the period beyond 31st March against your next year renewal (see below)

If your fees are due between October and 31st March you will receive an email renewal request. This will ask you to renew your membership for a shorter period up to 31st March.  For example, if you were renewing an adult membership on 1st January your renewal notice would be for £27.50.  Then in March, you will receive the full year renewal request as usual to be paid by 1st April. You will now be on the new annual renewal date which will take you through to 31st March 2026.

If you have already paid your fees beyond 31st March 2025, you will receive an email membership renewal notice in March 2025 to pay your fees by 1st April 2025.  Your renewal total will be reduced to reflect the amount you have already paid to cover the period 1st April up to your previous renewal date.  For example, if you renewed your adult membership on 1st August then your 2025/2026 membership will be reduced by £36.67 so you would pay £73.33 to take your membership to 31st March 2026.  You would however be asked to pay this in March / April not August to bring everyone in line.

By April 1, 2026 everyone in the club will have the same renewal date.

We appreciate that in the current economic climate budgets are slim. If anyone needs time to pay their early renewal please contact Chris Green or Vicki McNally