Ball machine

We are delighted to offer a ball machine for members to use and practice their tennis as singles or pairs.

There is a handy ramp to help guide the ball machine over the clubhouse side door. 

How to book is at the bottom of this page. 

How to use the machine

📖  User manual - Read the user manual

📺  Guidance videos - View the videos

🎾  Special pressureless anti-fluff balls are provided - do not use your own balls.


⚠️ Important ⚠️

Lymington Tennis Club Ball Machine Waiver

In booking the ball machine you acknowledge that:

✅  You have received and understood instruction in the safe use of the ball machine.

✅  You have read and understood the user manual.

✅  You will follow all LTC instructions for using the machine, which are displayed in the ball machine cupboard and on the website. View the videos.

✅  You will not stand or walk in front of the ball machine until you hear that the motor has come to a complete stop. Looking inside the machine while the motor is running could result in a serious eye injury.

✅  You will not use the ball machine during damp conditions, or put wet balls into the machine. Use the pressureless balls provided.

✅  Juniors under 18 must be supervised by an adult while using the machine.

✅  In using the ball machine you assume all risk, responsibility and liability for injury or damage to people (including yourself), or property arising from its use.

✅  Transport the ball machine with care between the clubhouse and courts. Returning the machine to the cupboard after use and plugging in the power.


 How to book