


60+ Single Adult Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

60+ Single Adult Membership

Eligibility: MLTC membership 60+

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Cardio/ Pickleball membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Cardio/ Pickleball Membership

Eligibility: Only available for Pay and Play Cardio/ Coach Led Pickleball sessions

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Coaching Only Membership

12 months membership

Membership for coaching only this includes 121 session, group session, pickleball and cardio. You will not be able to make court bookings through this membership and will require to book pay and play.

Eligibility: This is a 12 month membership, once this expires please speak to your coach for further options

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Junior Membership 2024/25 (Year 6 and below)

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Junior Membership

Eligibility: MTLC Membership (Year 6 and below)

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Junior Membership 2024/25 (Year 7-13)

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Junior year 7-13 Membership

Eligibility: MLTC membership Year 7 to 13

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Parent and Child Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

1 parent/guardian and one child membership

Eligibility: 1 parent/guardian and one child membership

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Parent and Children Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

One parent/guardian and any number of children

Eligibility: One parent/guardian and any number of children

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Parents and Children Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Both Parents and as many children

Eligibility: Both Parents and as many children

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Single Adult Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025


Eligibility: Adult Membership

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Student Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Student Membership

Eligibility: MLTC Membership (Student over 18)

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