
Summer Activities for Kids

During the summer holidays we have lots going on at Felixstowe Lawn Tennis Club.  We have summer camps which includes a water fight on our last one, our fun saturday morning sessions and then two courses where you recieve a free tennis racket and t shirt so check out all the opportunities below.


We have 3 summer camps which are running on monday 7th August, Tuesday 22nd August and Thursday 31st August.  The camps run from 8.30am-3.30 pm and only cost £15 a day for members and £20 per day for non members.  The mornings will be spent on the tennsi courts and the afternoons will be mutli sports and on the 31st august we will be having a water fight. 


To book a place at one of our camps please follow this link:



Our Saturday Morning Junior sessions will continue all the way through the summer holidays.  This is a perfect way to introduce your child into tennis.  We cater for all ages 4-16year olds and all abilities.  The session is designed to offer a fun and safe environement for children to come and give tennis a go.  We ensure children get to hit as many balls as possible and have a lot of fun.  4-6 year olds is 9.30-10.25am and 7 year olds and older start at 9.30am and finish at 10.55am.


The cost is FREE for Members and £2 for non members.


Bookings for this are weekly and payment is taken when you arrive in the morning.  To book a place please follow this lin kand scroll to the correct session:



For all children aged 5-8yrs. These sessions are full of energy and cater to all abilities so nobody’s getting left behind. 

£29.99 (+£5 P&P) gets you:

  • Six top-class tennis sessions with specially trained coaches
  • A tennis racket and set of balls
  • A branded t-shirt
  • Activity cards, a lanyard, stickers and a certificate (provided by the coach)

To book a place and for more information click this link :


For girls aged 5-12yrs olds.  Prime Video LTA Youth Girls is our girls only beginner’s tennis course, encouraging the next generation of girls to start their journey playing and loving our sport.

Delivered by trained LTA coaches, the six-week introductory course is packed with games and exercises to build confidence and skills on court, all whilst having fun with friends.

The course costs £35 for six sessions of coaching, as well as a t-shirt, tennis racket and tennis balls so they can keep practicing at home or at your local courts.

Use the link below to book:


For further information or any queries please contact the coaching team via