
Tennis Hut Maintenance Stage 3

A good number of members turned up to work on the exterior of the Club Hut. The old flaking paint was attacked first with scrapers, wire brushes and sandpaper. Then 2 coats of a special formulation of exterior undercoat and topcoat were applied before the rain came down. Many thanks to Boyes for contributing £100 towards their special paint and to Diane for requesting and organising their contribution. Many thanks to all those who turned up to help: Kate Megginson (the organiser and driving force behind the initiative - also provider of tea, coffee, cake and biscuits!), Sarah Harrison, Clare (new member), Wendy Barry, Dan Clarke (fixing the gutters), Richard Green, Katie, Kip and Justin Mann (new members), Phil Smoker and Shaun Shortland (taking apart the new door, cutting it down to size, reconstructing and painting it), and one or two others who helped for a little while whilst waiting for their children to finish their coaching session. Many hands truly made light work of this significant task and more progress than expected was made. The result already is a smarter-looking Club Hut and a much improved view for all who come into the MTBSC grounds.