

The Club held its annual quiz on Friday 25th January with a good turnout of 14 tables with teams of 6.  Quizmaster Mike set the questions and there were 5 rounds.  A fish & chip supper was provided midway.  As usual  a raffle was held while the scores were being totted up.  

In a tense finish with very few point between the top 5 teams it ended with a tie between two teams for first place.  The captains of the two teams  Christine Knight"The Barnights"  &   John Hubbard "The  Travelling Bewildered Very's"  had a sudden death question and by a whisker Christine came through with the answer to take the prizes. 

Pictured with their prizes   above are Roy Dunham, Sue Barlow (Christine) Peter Knight (sitting)  Richard & Hannah Barlow.  

The Runner up team members were :  John Hubbard, Trevor, Pam Whally, Woody Carter & Gill & Paul Perry.

A big thankyou went to Dave  the quizmaster and Tracy for organizing the event as efficiently as ever.