
2023 QUIZ

For the first time in 3 years the Club was able to  hold its annual quiz on Friday 27th January with a good turnout of 11  teams of 6.  Quizmaster Dave set the excellent questions and there were 6 rounds (including table teasers)  A fish & chip supper was provided midway (thanks to Melbourn fish shop).  A  raffle was held while the scores were being totted up and this year the donation of excellent prizes was "epic"

In a tense finish with very few point between the top 5 teams it ended with the BAR KNIGHTS team pipping   THE CUNNING PLAN team by 1/2 a point.  

Pictured with their prizes are  from left to right  John,  MTC Chairman Gary, Christine, Trevor, quizmaster Dave, Peter, Roy & Sue

A big thankyou went to Dave the quizmaster, Tracy for organizing the event as efficiently as ever and members of the committee who helped during the evening.