

Meldreth Tennis Club had their first tournament since 2019 this was due to lockdowns over the last 2 years.  The MARION OLIVER TOURNAMENT was held on Saturday 18th  This  Fun Tournament is held in memory of Marion Oliver one of the Founder members of Meldreth Tennis Club.  

After the hottest day of the year the previous day, the timing of the tournament proved to be ideal with the weather cool with no sun, rain was forecast but managed to keep away for the duration.

Ten players took to the courts and played some very competitive & enjoyable rounds of tennis.  Every player had a different partner and played 5 short 4 game sets this new format proved to be popular.

The winners of the trophies were Sue Stanton and Rok Podgrajsek with Mark & Jenny Shepherd &  Jess Boname as runners up.  All had a choice of prizes donated by the Club Coach, Steve Smith, which included tee shirts, hats, balls & racquet grips.

The players thanked Christine Knight for organising the event and Christine thanked Mike Richards for helping with the scoring.

The next club event is the BBQ on Saturday 23rd July hosted by Jo & Kit in Barrington