Membership Information
We welcome new members of any age or any ability. Whether you want to join as a family, want to learn a new sport or are keen to play competitive tennis then contact us and we will gladly show you round the club.
The membership year runs from 1st April to the end of March. From the 1st October the membership costs are reduced as there is only half a year of the season remaining. The clubhouse has an access control system. New members will need to obtain a key fob to enable them to gain access. The key fob costs £5 and is refundable on return.
Your membership entitiles you to play as many times as you like, seven days a week, and we play all the year round so your membership money really is good value. Access to the courts is by key located in key safe to side of clubhouse entrance. The code will be provided with joining information. Any change will be notified by email at other times - please make sure we have your email details when you register for Moorland Tennis Club via clubspark through their secure system.
As a member of Moorland Tennis Club you get the opportunity to win the chance to buy those hard-to-obtain Wimbledon tickets! To qualify you must be a British Tennis Member (free to join) and have started paying your subscription for the season to be able to enter the Wimbledon Ticket Draw. You must also 'opt-in' to the LTA ticket ballot on their website to be eligible. Please go to to find out more. The draw takes place usually in late in April but this year tickets will be made available nearer the time for LTA members who have opted in ( information on LTA website)
Junior members are entitled to free junior clubnight sessions - currently on a Tuesday 5-6 pm with our head coach - Jonathan. Only juniors over 13 years old and after an induction with our coach - Jonathan, and safeguarding officer - Liz, can play unsupervised on courts. All other juniors must have a responsible adult present when playing. Tags will be given to juniors on joining by Liz - who would like to welcome you all to the club and introduce herself in role of safeguarding officer to all juniors and parents
GUESTS - ADULT members only are permitted to have guests and must notify membership secretary Aryssa/Robert prior to play, pay the correct fee and sign in book by front door in the clubhouse . Visitor fees must be paid prior to playing. Payments can be made via cash or cheque and put through the post box at the clubhouse. Visitors – Senior £5, Junior £2.50
A comprehensive coaching programme is run by our LTA Registered head coach Jonathan Churchman to benefit players of all abilities and age groups. See our 'Coaching' page for full detals on what's available.
For more information please contact Jonathan directly on 07584169162.
We offer a range of memberships as detailed below. All you need to do is press "Join now" on your chosen membership option and it will take you through to our system to join. Any problems, please contact our membership secretary Aryssa/Robert Wiseman or for more info at or call 07305318146.
As a condition of joining members are expected to follow the Club Rules and Etiquette here
Adult daytime 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Adult play at off peak times. 8-5 weekdays and weekends
Eligibility: Not eligible for team play
Adult Full Member 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Adult full membership 21+
Eligibility: Playing any time and eligible for teams
Adult playing with junior member only 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Parent playing with junior member only
Eligibility: Parent playing with junior member only
Coaching adult 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Allows non-members to receive members coaching rates
Eligibility: Non members
Coaching junior 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Reduced rates for coaching only
Eligibility: Junior non members rate
Country 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Living more than 15 miles away. Please provide postcode 1st April
Husband and Wife/Partner 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Joint membership package.
Up to 2 members
Intermediate 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
age 17-20 before 1st April
Eligibility: 17-20 before 1st April
Junior 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Junior 10 - 16 years before 1st April
Junior under 10yrs 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Child under 10 years old on 1st April includes social membership for parent
Junior with playing parent member 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Reduced fee for Junior member with playing parent.
Eligibility: Parent paid up playing member.
Social 24/25
01/03/2024 - 31/03/2025
Social 10% bar discount
Social 25/26
01/02/2025 - 31/03/2026
Social membership only - 10% bar discount
Winter 25/26
01/09/2025 - 31/03/2026
September 1st to March 31st
Winter adult playing with junior member only 25/26
01/09/2025 - 31/03/2026
Adult winter anytime playing with junior member only
Eligibility: Adult playing with junior member only