Pershore's Internal 8 & Under and 11 plus competitions took place last Sunday 12th November. We had a great turn out with some excellent tennis being played.
In the 8 & Under event we had 10 players playing.
1st placed: Lucas Webster
2nd placed: Ronan Guppy
3rd placed: Tom Randal
4th placed George Billings
In the full Ball event we had 8 players.
1st placed Aaron Masih
2nd placed Rory Frain
3rd placed Sam Butts
By playing matches regularly juniors are more likely to keep playing and be motivated to learn and improve. It also raises the overall playing standard of the program as it increases playing time. So far this term we have had over 70 entries for internal competitions ranging from 8 & Under to 11 plus. This has been a great way in helping children improve, gain confidence, and be inspired to represent the club for external league competitions and enjoy playing the game.
The next internal competitions are next Sunday 19th November: Orange Ball 1.30-3.30 and Green ball 4.00-6.00 pm.
Keep enjoying the wonderful game of Tennis!