Deaf Tennis

Deafness is the condition of having impaired hearing.  The word deaf is used to describe or identify anyone who has a severe hearing problem.  Sometimes it is used to refer to people who are severely hard of hearing too.  Deafness is a hidden impairment, and it is sometimes hard to know whether someone has a hearing impairment and that they may require additional communication support.  It is important to remember that each deaf person has different requirements and adjustments so ensure you find out more about the deaf persons individual communication needs/requirements.  

People who are deaf have different levels of hearing loss, from mild to profound deafness – but everyone is welcome in tennis.  Every deaf person is different with some being hearing aid users and others having a cochlear implant, and some may sign, some may lipread, some may listen, and some may speak.  Some may well do all of these.

Who can compete in deaf tennis?

To be eligible, a player has to have an average hearing loss of 55dB or more in their best ear – find out more about hearing loss here.

More information on Deaf Tennis can be found by CLICKING HERE