
PLTC Tournament 2022

On Sunday 11th of September our club held its 2022 annual tournament finals day! 

Firstly, the club would like to say a big thank you to Andy for the amazing effort that he has put into organising the tournament this year. It would not have gone as smooth without your dedication! 

Thank you to all our empires, players and spectators who came to enjoy the day with us! Special thanks go to Anders for overseeing this special day and helping throughout the day so we avoid any impediments.  

Congratulations to our 2022 PLTC Winners: 

Cup Women's singles 

Winner: Hanna 

Runner up: Cath 

Plate Women's singles 

Winner: Katsina  

Runner up: Anne 

Cup Women's doubles 

Winner: Hanna & Cath 

Runner up: Ruxy & Anne 

Cup Men's singles 

Winner: Aaron

Runner up: Markuus 

Plate Men's singles 

Winner: Safar

Runner up: Mike

Cup Men's doubles 

Winner: Adam & Luke 

Runner up: Giles & Lester 

Plate Men's doubles 


Winner: Mike & John 

Runner up: Richard & Guopong

Cup Mixed doubles 

Winner: Hanna & James 

Runner up: Cath & Ed 

Plate Mixed doubles 

Winner: Ruxy & Gary

Runner up: Liz & Crispin