Social Events 2025

Open Day

​An open day for the club will be held on Sunday May 11th,  2pm - 4 pm.

Club Tournament Draw

Draw for tournament to take place on Sunday 8th June  10am - 2pm.


​Summer Picnic (and tennis)

​Sunday 13th July 12 noon - 3pm. Bring your own food and drink, as well as friends and family.  Social tennis and catch-up for all members and their friends/family.

Club Tournament Finals

​Sunday 21th September 10.00am (prompt start).  Finals of the club championship and social for spectators.

Christmas Social

​Thursday 4th December. An informal pub event - more details nearer the time.


AGM and Social

Friday 16th January 2026, 7:30pm for AGM, followed by club Social.

​This event will be held in the Large Barn again. Everyone is welcome to both the AGM and the social afterwards. Please bring friends and family. More details to follow.