
Coronavirus update

This is completely new territory for everyone so we shouldn't be too critical of the Government and sports governing bodies when they don't have answers to all our questions.

We've seen hundreds of website articles and social media posts/comments this week about how tennis clubs and coaches should be responding to the COVID-19 crisis.  This is our first attempt at summarising the latest advice (with thanks to the LTA and Surrey Tennis).

"While the LTA has suspended its organised activity, the Government has indicated that recreational exercise that takes place at a safe distance from others and in safe exercise environments is something that can continue during this period.

It is still the decision of the club as to whether they are to stay open or not. There is no specific government advice currently that recommends sports facilities should close. However, clubs should monitor Government announcements closely in the coming days.

If clubs are staying open, they must take extra measures to keep facilities clean, and advise members to follow clear, published guidelines for handwashing, respiratory hygiene and ‘distancing’. Details can be found here:

Group sessions and other organised tennis activity should NOT go ahead. This includes:

• Group coaching (junior and adult)

• Competitions (including team matches)

• Organised social sessions (including Open Day events)

If any 1:1 coaching sessions go ahead, the handwashing, respiratory hygiene and social distancing practices described above must be strictly followed."