June Newsletter

Welcome to the June edition of our RTT Newsletter - our monthly newspiece with all the upcoming activities, dates for your diary and more! 

This calendar year has been very transitional - arguably the busiest ever for Head Coach Ross - as he has welcomed Wormit and Newport TC as a club partner and established a stronger workforce to increase our activity and engage many more people playing tennis on a weekly basis around Dundee and Noth-East Fife. Last week we broke our 100-player-a-week goal for the vert first time, somethign we are very proud of! We have lots to shout about, please read below to see how you and your family can play tennis this month and beyond! 


Coaching team updates 

Sean Berthelsen is one of our highly-popular young coaches at RTT and he has working hard alongside his coaching and university studies to enrol and take on his UKCC Level 2 Tennis Assistant course. Needless to say, He's only Gone and SMASHED it at the weekend there and we are now proud to announce that Sean becomes our second Level 2 coach - Well done Sean from the rest of the RTT team! 

We next turn our support to Alix, our youngest team member (17 years old) and current Tennis Scotland Person of the year (2018) who is preparing to begin her coaching career next weekend by Beginning her UKCC Level 1 course at Stirling University. Good Luck Alix, we have every faith in you and your abilities! 

Finally, due to our ever-increasing demand for tennis provision at our venues, we are holding a workforce information evening on Wednesday 26th June, 6.30pm at Forthill Community Sports Club. Here you will have the chance to explore what opportunities exist with RTT alongside other venues in Dundee on a voluntary and paid basis to get more playing in coaching, competing and schools environments. If you are interested in coming along this event, please register by visiting https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dundee-tennis-workforce-evening-tickets-62433980717 


Coaching Programme Updates: 

We have recently launched primary school sessions in Newport PS and Forthill PS ahead of the summer Holdiays and the response has been fantastic so far - welcome to all our new families and players from the team. 

Unfortunately the weather has beaten us on a couple of occasions in what is supposed to be the "summer block" - not ideal! To all players who have had a session cancelled due to weather, we invite you to attend another session in our programmes to make up for this - please visit https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/RTT/Coaching/Junior to choose. If you are unsure which session to choose, please contact rosstaylortennis@gmail.com where we will help you organise this. 


Summer Camps 

Our Hugely-popular Summer Camps are back and we are more prepared, more excited and with more activities than ever before! Our Camps are full-day or half-day options to suit the needs of the kids and the parents, so if you would like to be part of the most fun summer camp in Town, please visit our Holiday Camps section to book your childs place now* 

*Spaces are already filling up on the Forthill Camp, be quick to avoid disappointment. 


Wormit and Newport Camp - 8-12th July 

Forthill Camp - 15-19th July 


Summer Holidays Activity

We are running both weekly activity and summer camps this year, with everything now online and available to book - please visit our Summer Sessions page to find out our schedule and what's on for you to enjoy! 


Competitions + Events: 

There are a number of competitions and events coming up which we want to share with you. From Team Challenges and Adult club tournaments to Family tournaments and Charity events, there's something for everyone this Summer with RTT. Please check our Events page where you can choose which activities are suitbale for you and whats not! 


Fancy Dress Week: 

New to 2019, we will be introducing a "Fancy Dress week" for the last week of classes ahead of the summer holidays! There is no cost attached to this, we juts wanted to do something fun and make some memories for the kids during the last classes before they jet off on their holidays! The Fancy dress week is running 24-29th June and all participants / Coaches are encouraged to get involved! 


Dates for your Diary: 

1st / 2nd June - Team Challenge weekend 

7th June - Forthill Hub Open Night 

8th June - WANT Adults French Open (Handicap) tournament (WANT members only) 

9th June - Forthill Adults French Open (Handicap) tournament (Forthill members only) 

24-29th June - Fancy Dress week at all classes 

29th June - Forthill Quorn Family Cup (Parent and Child 10&U / 12&U - open to all RTT players)