Please see below prices for 2025/26 Membership packages, we have unfortunately had to apply a small increase to some packages due to rising costs.
Renewals will be open for members from 28/2/2025, and don't forget the early bird offer is only open until 31/3/2025!
If you are a current member please choose applicable renewal package from list below, new members please ensure you choose from "NEW" package options (& see guidance below re applications).
You will need to use your LTA login, if you are unsure you can reset this on LTA website. If you need assistance, please email
2025/26 Subs:
Adult - £80 / early bird discount £75 expires 31 March
Family - £160 / early bird discount £140 expires 31 March
Single Parent Family - £80 / early bird discount £70 expires 31 March
Student - £15
Over 60's - £55
Junior - £15
Social (Playing)- £30
100 club - £4/month (payable by standing order to avoid Clubspark fees)
Current Members
Please note early bird discount closed on 31 March
Please choose renewal package from list below, we have made some changes to membership packages to offer more flexibility for members, so please ensure you check eligibility criteria before completing your membership purchase.
Please ensure your contact details are updated at time of renewal, and complete online renewal.
New members
Please use the links here to apply for a membership. Please note that all applications require to be approved by the committee under guidance by our constitution.
We can only accept members from within reasonable distance to the club, if you are unsure if your eligible to join please contact The committee retain the right to reject membership applications.
We welcome all new members from our local area, however there is no guarantee that we can offer a place in league squads initially, but there is always plenty of activity to get involved in. To be eligible for team tennis you would need to join as full member.
Even if you don’t want to join as full playing member, we have a social playing membership a which is a great way to be part of, and support our great village club.
Please make a note of subs due and our preferred method is by BACS, please use your "NAME-SUBS" as reference.
Bacs Payments: Barclays 20-51-08 03270408 Ribchester Tennis Club
We have removed GoCardless option as method of payment due to on-going costs to the club.
* please note we have a new bank account (Barclays) so please update details before making any payment.
100 club member
Monthly membership
100 club member
Eligibility: All
Adult NEW MEMBER Membership Application 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Adult Member Application *current members please use renewal packages (Early Bird discount of £75 until 31/3/24, then £80)
Eligibility: NEW Membership application for full membership for those aged 16-60 wishing to play league team tennis. Under our constitution all new members must be approved by the committee.
Adult renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Adult Renewal (Early Bird discount of £75 until 31/3/25, then £80). If you are new member please choose "new member" package.
Eligibility: Full membership for those aged 16-60 wishing to play league team tennis. Only open to current members renewing.
Family NEW MEMBER Membership Application 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Family Member Application (current members please use renewal packages) Early bird discount £140 until 31/3/24, then £160
Eligibility: NEW Membership application for family membership for 2 adults and up to 3 dependent children. (Adults will be eligible for league team tennis. Under our constitution all new members must be approved by the committee.
Up to 5 members
Family Renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Family Renewal (early bird discount of £140 open until 31/3/25 then £160). If you are a new member, please choose "new member" package.
Eligibility: Family membership for 2 adults and up to 3 dependent children. (Adults will be eligible for league team tennis. Only open to current members renewing.
Up to 5 members
Junior Membership Renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Junior Membership Renewal
Eligibility: Junior membership for those aged up to 16 years old. Only open to current members renewing.
Junior NEW MEMBER Membership Application 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Junior Member Application (current members please use renewal packages)
Eligibility: NEW Junior membership application for those aged up to 16 years old. Under our constitution all new members must be approved by the committee.
Over 60 Membership Renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Over 60 Member Renewal 2025-26.
Eligibility: Concession membership for those aged over 60 years old wishing to play league team tennis. Only open to current members renewing.
Over60 NEW MEMBER Membership Application 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Over 60 Member Application (current members please use renewal packages)
Eligibility: NEW Membership application for Concession membership for those aged over 60 years old wishing to play league team tennis.
Single Parent Family Membership Renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Family Single Parent Family Member Renewal (new members please use new member packages) Early bird discount £80 until 31/3/25, then £70
Eligibility: Single parent family membership for single parent adult and up to 2 dependent children. (Adults will be eligible for league team tennis). Only open to current members renewing.
Up to 3 members
Single Parent Family NEW MEMBER Membership 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Family Single Parent Family Member Application (current members please use renewal packages) Early bird discount £80 until 31/3/25, then £70
Eligibility: NEW Single Parent Family Membership application for 1 adults and up to 2 dependent children. (Adults will be eligible for league team tennis. Under our constitution all new members must be approved by the committee.
Up to 3 members
Social Membership Renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Social Member Renewal
Eligibility: Social Membership for those wishing to play only social tennis (this package does allow inclusion in club tournaments but not to league tennis) Only open to current members renewing.
Social NEW MEMBER Membership Application 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Social Member Application (current members please use renewal packages)
Eligibility: NEW Social Membership for those wishing to play only social tennis (this package does allow inclusion in club tournaments but not to league tennis) Under our constitution all new members must be approved by the committee.
Student Membership Renewal 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
Student Membership Renewal 2025-26
Eligibility: Student membership for those aged over 16 years old and in full time education. Only open to current members renewing.
Student NEW MEMBER Membership Application 2025-26
28/02/2025 - 28/02/2026
NEW Student Member Application (current members please use renewal packages)
Eligibility: NEW Membership application for Student membership for those aged over 16 years old and in full time education. Under our constitution all new members must be approved by the committee.