
Rock Park Tennis Club Open Day 11th June 2022

Our Open Day on 11th June 2022 was a great success, with both adults and juniors attending, looking to join RPTC.

It was great to see faces old and new - those who have never been to the club before and some returning former members. We had some very kind comments, with many visitors saying how friendly and welcoming the club is.

Coach Lucy marshalled the various attendees, keeping everyone involved with a mix of coached activities and free play. A number of our guests had not played in many years and perhaps felt a little trepidation stepping out on court again, but without exception, they all played very well notwithstanding any rustiness and we think surprised themselves!


We were very fortunate in that whilst some rain (that had not been forecast) came down earlier in the morning, the sun came out when it mattered and we had beautiful conditions. There was a terrific spread put on for everyone to enjoy, with various savouries and sweets, which was a great excuse to put down the racquets and have a chat over a cuppa!

A huge thank you to everyone that attended on the day and to all the numerous club members who made it happen and ensured it was such a fun day.