I can report another good year financially for the club albeit with income down by £1k to £24.2k. With expenditure in line with the prior year this has resulted in a £1k reduction in our overall surplus to £12k. Despite this small reduction we have been able to maintain the recommended contribution into our court-maintenance sinking fund of £10.8k.
Overall, income was £1k lower due mainly to membership income which was £1.3k down on the prior year. This reduction was partly offset by a £0.3k increase in sponsorship reflecting additional sponsorship income received from Herts LTA.
With regard to sponsorship income I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony at Procam on behalf of the club for his continued support, the 100 club for their ongoing support I would also like to thank all those who organised fundraising events on behalf of the club.
Expenditure at £11.9k was in line with last year.
Whilst overall expenditure was the same there were a number of variances on specific expenditure lines which offset each other overall. In particular, coaching fees were £1.4k lower with the Monday night coaching sessions discontinued. Electricity costs were £0.9k higher although this largely reflects the receipt of £0.8k from Royston Rugby Club in 2017 before we saw the impact of the increased electricity costs; provision has been made for a £1.5k recharge to the rugby club in respect of 2018 usage. We also saw a £0.2k increase in our insurance costs as a result of an incident on the court and a £0.2k increase in equipment costs reflecting the purchase of a new hob and fridge for the clubhouse.
As a reminder, our biggest expenditure line is Court Maintenance which includes the cost of the floodlight maintenance contract with Luminance at £2.1k p.a. as well as the ongoing contract for the maintenance of the courts with Wilsons which cost circa £1.5k p.a..
Overall, in 2018 the club generated net income of £12.2k of which £10.8k has been put towards the sinking fund. This leaves a positive balance on the income account of £20.0k and gives a sinking fund balance £31.7k.
We have just over £54k in the bank and after taking account of our liability to the LTA we have net assets of £51.6k. The amount due to the LTA now stands at £5.0k and will be repaid in the next two years.