Introducing our three mental health charities
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:00
Sport and physical activity hold almost antidote-like qualities when it comes to managing our mental health and wellbeing, which is why we think it would be a great idea for the club and members to support three local mental health charities, the OLLIE Foundation, Youth Talk and Mind-in mid-Herts, which are close to Stuart, Trish and Chris’ hearts.
Stuart, Trish and Chris are our Charity Champions and will be running events throughout 2024 to help raise awareness and money for the three charities. We would love you to find out more about each charity and join us at our charity events throughout the year – the first being a Charity Quiz Night at 7pm on 17th May.
To help support the charities and Stuart, Trish and Chris’ fundraising efforts, please join our Charity Family Quiz night on 17th May – you can secure your table here