
Seaton appoints new Head Coach

Toby WillisWe’ll shortly be saying goodbye to Head Coach Dave Taylor, who’s accepted a new post at Exmouth Tennis Centre, closer to where he lives. Dave has been with us on and off as a coach, and more latterly Head Coach, for 7 or 8 years, and has helped many young players and adults develop their tennis over that time. We’re grateful for all his efforts and wish him the very best in his new role.

In his place we’re delighted to have appointed Toby Willis. Toby first worked with us 6 or 7 years ago and returned to the club last September to work with Dave. He’s already run many group and individual lessons since his return and we’re confident he’ll do a great job.

Toby starts officially on April 18th but is already starting the handover from Dave, so if you have any requests or queries about coaching please feel free to contact him direct. You can find his details on the Club Coaches page.