
Newly Resurfaced Hard Courts/Tournament Reminder

Work on the two hard courts has now been completed and all 6 courts are now back in use.

It's important, however, that we look after the hard courts for the next couple of months until they are fully 'bedded in'. This means not playing on them when the temperatures rise, as significant and expensive damage can occur if the tarmac softens. Our contractor, First Serve, has advised that we shouldn't use the hard courts for the next 2 months if the temperature rises above 20 degrees (in the shade). 

Consequently you'll find a thermometer outside the gate to the hard courts: please don't use them if the temperature is showing above 20 degrees.

Where coaching sessions which typically take place on the hardcourts are not able to use them because of the heat, they will be given priority access to the Astro courts. This will inevitably, at limited times, leave fewer courts available for casual play than we are all used to.

So we just need to ask for your patience a little longer for the inconvenience this may cause to members at certain times. It is a short term problem and - provided we get it right this time -something that will only be in place for the next couple of months.

You can see below an updated schedule showing typical daily court usage based on current club and coaching sessions. This shows the worst case scenario of how many courts will be available for general play where hot weather renders the hard courts unusable. In reality it is most likely that this issue will only be in the afternoons, with mornings and evenings largely unaffected.

If there are any queries on this please let us know at In the meantime, thanks for your support and continued patience.

Tournament Entry Reminder and Deadline

For those of you who haven't yet signed up for this year's club tournament, the deadline for entries is Wednesday 30th June. You can sign up via the sheets on the clubhouse noticeboard, or you can email Jo Little via the club's email address above. The entrance fee is £1 per event payable to Jo.

If you'd like to enter but haven't got a partner please let Jo know and she'll try to find you one.