Court Bookings
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 00:00
Selkirk Tennis Club has a court booking system which allows members and non-members to see when the courts are available and thereby avoid abortive visits. It also allows the committee to gather information on court usage which should help with any future grant applications .
Courts can be booked up to 14 days in advance with bookings made via this website.
Go to "Court Booking" tab (above) and then:
- Click "Make a Booking";
- Choose the day and time that you want to book;
- This will bring up a box which will ask how long you want to book for (Bookings are in 15 minute slots up to a maximum 2 hours). Choose the amount of time required and click "continue booking";
- If not already signed in to Clubspark, you will then be prompted to sign in using the same details that you use when renewing your membership;
- For non-members, please follow the instructions to set up a ClubSpark account and then proceed as above; and
- You should then receive a confirmation email.
Court hire for members is of course included in the cost of membership.
For non-members the cost is £4 per hour (adults) and £2 per hour (juniors - 18 and under). Pease pay cash into the honesty box at the clubhouse door.
If anybody is having any difficulty making their booking, please contact Graham (07564 007774) in the first instance. He is by no means a technical expert but should be able to help or, if necessary, enter the booking as the site administrator (if the latter, please text date, time and duration required to the above number).
NB When playing at Selkirk Tennis Club, please ensure that you comply with current LTA guidelines re coronavirus -