
Social Mixed Doubles Tournament & BBQ

You don’t need a partner, you will play with different people, in different matches. It’s a Wimbledon themed event so if you wish to wear whites that would be very appropriate. Also you will go under a tennis players name for the day! BBQ food included in entry fee. Feel free to bring your own drinks (alcoholic if you like). To sign up and enter please fill in the entry form found in the clubhouse. Entry deadline is Sat 1st July. Entry fee £7.50 per person which includes food and prizes.
To enter you must be over 18 and a member of Shepley tennis club. 
The event is run and organised by club coach Natalie


Please fill in an entry form and pay the £7.50 to Natalie Gill before the 1st July 2017


 Please leave a cheque and entry form in box in clubhouse or leave form and send entry fee by bacs to Natalie Gill sort code 40-24-24 account no. 61214454 please put Shepley as your ref.


  1. Can my partner/husband wife come along and not play but eat at the BBQ?  Yes of course, we just ask that you let Natalie know for numbers on the food.  We would ask for a small contribution on the day for the bbq food.
  2. Can my children come along? Yes, if they want food let Natalie know. Please supervise them at all times, however they can’t play in the event.
  3. What’s the format – Mixed, Ladies and Men’s doubles matches. (where possible depending on entries) 20 minute matches normal scoring.  Every game you win gives you a point.  4 people with most points to play a final.  The aim is to be social and mix and match and meet/play against different people.
  4. Any other questions please contact Natalie on 07751817326