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About this course


Harry Hargreaves



Walking Tennis is for anyone that wants to play tennis, but at their own pace. No running or jumping and you can let the ball bounce twice. Less speed but just as much fun! Ideal for anybody looking to build their confidence, returning from injury, or would just like a bit more time getting to the ball.

Notes from the coach

Walking Tennis is a slower version of the game, played indoors on a small court with sponge balls and small rackets. It is Just walking, no running and is suitable for everyone and every ability. This fun sociable group includes a good warmup before to get you going then 55 mins on court activities, and a free, tea, coffee, or squash when you finish.

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Where to find us

South Devon Tennis Centre
south devon tennis centre, ermington road, ivybridge, DEVON PL21 9ES

Need more information?

Coach: Harry Hargreaves


Phone: 01752 893700

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