
Chair & Secretary required; AGM Nov. 28 - UPDATED

Ever fancied taking an active role in an LTA affiliated tennis club, encouraging new members, and helping keep the courts a safe and welcoming place for villagers old and young to enjoy the sport?

Stewkley Tennis Club is urgently looking for a new Chair and a new Secretary at the upcoming AGM - someone to takeover running the ship, and someone to make sure it keeps going in the right direction.

The club is in a healthy financial position but needs the support of volunteers in these two posts to thrive. We're a small club with strong retention rate - that's good because membership is stable but does give us a limited pool from which to seek volunteers.

Do please consider if you'd be a good fit for either role and, if you've been on the committee before, stepping in again.

You'll have support - subject to re-election, Jeremy will be there to deal with Welfare matters and Subscriptions, Phil with Finance, George with LTA liaison and Facilities, Matt with Coaching, Joe and Vicki as team Captains, and Rob with whatever else you need help with. The committee meets three or four times a year.

Do join us for our AGM on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 8 p.m. in the Rec Pavilion. Every member is welcome to come and have their say.


- Minutes

- Chairperson's Report

- Accounts 2022/23