
Chairmans Review

Wow what a strange year!

I was elected chairman at the start of 2020 and had all sorts of thoughts and ideas on how we as the new committee could move the club forward.

What nobody expected was covid -19.

Despite the challenges we faced I’d like to highlight a few things through this period that I thought were brilliant:

  • The communication within the committee and also the outward communication to the members.
  • The initial covid safe set up allowing our members to enjoy their tennis at the earliest convenience.
  • Installation of the new fence.
  • The groundsman work by Des and Mark has been world class. We have received loads of comments about what a great job had been done.
  • The grants secured by Helen have been outstanding, this has given the club a good financial footing to move forward with.
  • The half price member decision was a key one for me, one that was truly successful in gaining more members. (Just short of double the previous year)
  • The in-house work Clint did with the organising of competitive tennis.
  • Jodie and her tenacious attitude with selling old things off and the purchase of the precious new sign.

And I could go on, so if you look back at a year that has been horrific for so many reasons, we have quite a few wins in there.

Now looking forward to 21/22 season, there will need to be some changes that we all as the committee need to embrace for the club to move forward!

The main point I would like the committee to hear for the coming year is ‘we will do what we say we will’

This coming year we will have less meetings but they will be more productive and pro active.

Work on the courts pot holes/painting will need to be a priority for early season.

Maintenance I.e the roof needs to be fixed ASAP! Then the kitchen can be installed.

We will continue to be an inclusive club that encourages both competitive and social tennis.

When the leagues start again we will have a competitive side which will spread the word that Tadcaster tennis club is back in business and recreate former glory!