
Newsletter September 22

Tennis Scotland Welfare Officer Forum

Jane as the club's welfare officer has attended a Welfare Officer Forum by zoom during August.  This helps to ensure that the club is providing a safe environment and meets required standards for registration with the LTA.  At some point the club could have a visit from Tennis Scotland to check these standards are being met.


Treasurer's Report/Insurance claim

The insurance claim for the cost of repairing the light and fencing following the tree damage has been successful and work will be progressed as quickly as possible.


Playing and coaching matters

Scott, as head coach, is now taking bookings for coaching directly, rather than via the club.   New classes have been advertised and all coaching classes are on line to book.

Firth Cup: John organised a very enjoyable event with 25 participants including eight from Fortrose and six from Strathpeffer, with Strathpeffer winning the Cup.  An article about the event was also in the Ross-shire newspaper.  Thank you to all who participated and supported the event.

The club tournament is progressing and a reminder that finals day is on Sunday, September 11th


Safety matters for all parents

A notice has been sent out to all members and displayed at the courts reminding everyone about the risks from the yew trees.  It is very important for all parents of children using the courts, or just accompanying their parents, to be aware that they are responsible for the oversight and safety of their children in all respects and that the club is not and cannot take on this responsibility.


MND fund raising event

We understand that the Tain Picture Post will, in September, include an article about the MND fundraiser.