
Club Newsletter May 2022

Welcome to May's newsletter for all members.


Team matches for juniors and adults have now started.  If you are an adult member who might like to play matches then please let the respective captains know.  All teams are keen to have new players and t respective captains are:

Gail Simpson for the ladies team on 07963348397 or WhatsApp

Sarah Marr for the mixed (both women and men players) or 07754042741

David Ross for the men's team email at


Ukraine fundraising event

A very successful event was held on Sunday 27th March and over £2,000 was raised through the auction, raffle and sale of refreshments.  Thank you to everyone who donated prizes and baking, bought raffle tickets and bid in the auction and who also played some of the tennis organised by Scott.  The event was also reported in the local press.



There has been a very strong renewal of memberships and we would like to thank everyone who has continued with the club.   If you are an adult member and have not joined in on one of the social tennis sessions, then why not come along and give these a go?  All levels of player are very welcome and this is chance to meet other members of the club.

These sessions are on

Sunday mornings from 10.30

Tuesday evenings from 19.00

Friday afternoons from 13.30

There will also be social tennis on Thursday evenings from 19.00 after matches finish on 20th June (possibly later if there is need to re-arrange matches)

A reminder that the courts now have a numbered padlock and the code is being given to everyone who has renewed their membership.


Charity event on Sunday 3rd July

The club is welcoming Stuart Falconer on the morning of Sunday 3rd July.  He is undertaking Fast4tennis matches at 40 tennis clubs between East Lothian and Orkney to raise funds for MND. He will be playing someone from the club as part of this challenge and to help raise money.

Everyone is welcome to come along and lend support.


Open tournament

We are hoping that an Open Tournament will be again run in the summer.  Details of this are to follow.



Scott's coaching sessions are continuing and regular emails are being sent with details.  Sessions can be booked via Clubspark.



Quotes for repairing the fence and light damaged by the falling tree have been received and we are endeavouring to agree for repairs to be made as quickly as possible.

We are also exploring cleaning of the courts to remove underlying moss.


Kevin O'Neill

Committee Member

Tain LTC