
Lancashire winners collect LTA Regional Awards

Congratulations to our Lancashire winners in the LTA's Regional Awards. The winners were presented their Awards last week on court at the very sunny Lexus Ilkley Trophy by the LTA President Sandi Proctor.

Peter Horrocks - Meritorious Service Award - nominee's in this category are selected by Sandi Proctor and her team at the LTA.

Peter Horrocks recieved the Meritorious Service Award for his dedication to Tennis in Lancashire spanning over 65 years.  From the age of 15 in 1959 when he joined the Junior Committee of Burnlea Tennis Club in Accrington where he also helped coaching the juniors for many years. He was then appointed treasurer of the club and also joined the Accrington & District League Committee where he ran a number of the league tournaments.

In the late 90’s this person was appointed East Lancashire league representative on the Tennis Lancashire Council, a role he continuted with until 2000 when he became the Treasurer of Tennis Lancashire. Peter was the Treasurer of Tennis Lancashire for over 24 years, a role that requires weekly and sometimes twice weekly visits to the County Office to attend meetings and look after the finances of Tennis Lancashire.

Within his voluntary role at Tennis Lancashire he instigated and steered a Interest Free Loan initative  for Lancashire clubs where they could borrow £10,000 interest free repayable over 5 years. This scheme has helped lots of club's resurface courts, erect floodlights, refurbish clubhouses to name just a few. The scheme has evolved over the years and now offers up to £15,000 in interest free loans.

Liverpool Tennis Centre - Tennis For All Award

Liverpool Tennis Centre were presented their award on court by Sandi for their work with the local community. The venue is used all year round by the city's university students, local schools and the City Veterans Association as well as the general public.  Following the enormous success of their well established disability sessions attended by The Vibe, Mencap, VI drop-in, Parkinson's UK & DS Active, they have in the last year endeavoured to offer their winning formula (tennis combined with a safe social space) to the wider community. In particular focusing on under represented and vulnerable groups. 

In January Liverpool Tennis Centre employed their first coach with a disability. This example has led to a further 2 volunteer coaches who have additional needs joining the coaching team.