
Liverpool v Wirral Challenge

Liverpool V Wirral challenge


Liverpool v Wirral challenge


Liverpool v Wirral Challenge

Prenton LTC 6th May 2024

Playing Conditions

The match format will consist of 30 rubbers

  • Open Age Men 6 x Singles, 3 x Doubles

  • Open Age Women 6 x Singles, 3 x Doubles

  • Veterans (Men Over 50, Women Over 40) 3 x Mens Doubles, 3 x Womens Doubles, 6 x Mixed Doubles


  • Each match is best of 3 sets with match tiebreak to 10 if one set all.

  • All matches ‘no ad’ scoring – receivers choose side for deciding point, except in

    mixed doubles when men serve to men and women serve to women.

  • Singles players / doubles teams must play in acceptable order of strength, separate players are allowed for the singles.

  • Team captains should submit team nominations to the match referee in advance of each round, this will need to include player BTM numbers.

  • Each set won shall count 1 point towards the overall score with match tiebreaks counting as one set.

    Order of Play

    10.15am arrival and warm up for Open Age, 10.30am start. Veterans to arrive at 2pm to start when courts available. All results will be submitted to the LTA.






6 x Open Doubles
3 x Open Mens Singles, 3 x Open Womens Singles
3 x Open Mens Singles, 3 x Open Womens Singles
3 x Veterans Mens Doubles 3 x Veterans Womens Doubles 6 x Veterans Mixed Doubles

Facilities and Refreshments

Prenton LTC – CH42 8LY, parking is available but limited, on the main road. Additional parking is available on surrounding side streets.

Tea, coffee and bacon sandwiches will be on sale from 10:30am with pizza on sale from 1pm. Other refreshments are available from the bar. Please note the bar is card payments only.