
News March 2025 – Tennis Club

It’s just a couple of weeks to our Annual General Meeting, maybe less depending on when you’re reading this. I touched on this in last month’s issue, but may I reiterate how valuable it is to your club and your committee, as well as yourself, to get you to come along.

We are very keen to hear what members think about the club and how we might improve things, just as much as the committee is enthusiastic for you to know what we have been up to on your behalf. We hope that we are not working in a vacuum, but the AGM is the place for anyone to make suggestions. 

The major change in 2025 is that we will elect a new Chairman/Chairwoman for the first time in 15 years. David Room is retiring, so after his usual stimulating, witty chairman’s report, we can all give him a good slap on the back for the immense effort he has put in over the years.

The tennis club has evolved since David took office, as indeed any club should do. We now have a good programme of social events, plenty of regular play, whether within groups or Saturday drop-ins, new courts and occasional coaching opportunities. I better stop there otherwise David will berate me for pre-empting his speech.

The AGM takes place on Friday 14 March, 7pm for a 7.30pm start, in the Pavilion next to the tennis courts. Come at the earlier time for a glass of wine or fruit juice, some nibbles and a chat before the proceedings kick off.

Also, we’d love to welcome a couple of new committee members, so please please do consider throwing your hat in the ring. It isn’t onerous, over the year involving about half a dozen convivial meetings over a drink in the Plume. In fact, it’s veritable treat! 

See you on Friday 14th.

Peter Burgess