It's getting close to that time of year where we hold our Wimbledon Ticket Ballot. In order to enter, you must first 'Opt In' on the LTA website. You should have recieved an email from the LTA requiring you to 'Opt In'. Something like below...
Once you have clicked 'OPT IN TODAY', it should ask you to log in with your LTA username and password...
Once logged in it should direct you to this page...
Click LTA Wimbledon Ballot Opt In (I've highlighted in a red circle). Once clicked it should take you to this page...
Then click on the LTA Advantage Wimbledon Ballot Opt In box - highlighted in red. (The box on the image is slightly grey as I have already opted in - your box should be white)
Bingo! You should be now 'opted in'.
If you didn't get an email, link is here...