Tuesday 19th January 2021
Zoom Meeting
Present:Fiona Falco (Chairman), Anna Amasanti, Helen Combden, Heidi Cornwall, Richard Crone, Tony Farr, Lesley Foot, Alison Halls, Nigel Hanley, Carol Hembury, Nicky Howson, Sanjay Kashyap, Naari Kaur, Kathy Mulligan, Graham Raw. Ruth Raw, Richard Risden, Emma Sala, Hazel Selby, Clare Smith, June Snellin, Caroline Spooner, Mark Squire, Richard Taylor, Sally Taylor, Simon Terrell, Pat Walter, Rosa Ward, Nicola Wilmott, Carol Winn, Phil Wood, Dave Wright (32)
| 1. Apologies
Heather Brady, Sandra Ledwell, Margaret Prescott, |
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| 2. Minutes of previous meeting:
Minutes of last AGM held on Tuesday 20 January 2020 had been circulated beforehand, and then agreed to be a true record of the meeting. |
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| 3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
| 4. Life Members & Merit Award Proposals
1. Phil Woods had been a member of the club for almost 30 years and during that time had been responsible for coaching the Juniors on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, as well as the Tuesday/Thursday Adult group. Nigel Hanley proposed that he should receive a Life Members Award, and this was seconded by June Snellin. The meeting fully supported this proposal. Phil gave his thanks, saying it was much appreciated. 2. Gwynneth Mingay had been a member of the club for over 20 years, and during that time she had undertaken the role of Minutes Secretary, for which she was now retiring. It was proposed that she receive a Club Merit Award for her hard work and commitment during this time. Unfortunately she was not present 3. Tony Farr wished to thank Fiona and the Committee for their hard work over the past year during this difficult time of Covid19. Richard Crone also added his thanks to that. 5. Reports from Officers
Chairman Within a few weeks of taking over as Chair, we were thrown into a national lockdown and my first year wasn’t what I anticipated. Fiona thanked the committee for their support and hard work during this particularly challenging year. Plus a huge thank you to our members for their loyalty and patience as we have all had to adapt to the restrictions and changes thrust upon the club with very little notice and sometimes conflicting information. We are painfully aware what a year 2020 was so I want to look forward to 2021. During this year there had been many new members – adults and juniors – who had joined the club. Fiona the thanked Anna and Lesley, our retiring treasurers, who handled the huge job of processing the influx of new membership applications, which was pretty full on for a few months. It's much appreciated that they leave a membership and accounts process in place that is up to date and extremely well organized. Thanks to Carol Hembury and Gwynneth Mingay, who were both retiring from the Committee this year, for all their hard work and commitment. Our online court booking system has encouraged lots of new tennis groups to form and flourish. Whatsapp groups were formed and run by members, organizing games amongst each other to make up for lack of match play. Despite us being in very difficult times, it’s a really positive time for the club and we look forward to a better season and the opportunity to grow our club to enable TBLTC to continue to offer a great facility for our members to take care of their wellbeing and enjoy a good old game of tennis in the fresh air, whatever the weather.
Treasurers’ Report A copy of the accounts had been circulated. Anna Amasanti read the report and a copy can be obtained on request. The Statement of Income and Expenditures shows a surplus for the year of £31,197 compared to a surplus of £16,449 last year. The increase this year was predominantly due to the increase in our membership and the £10,000 grant issued by the EFDC for small business relief. The subscriptions for 2021 have been reviewed and are to remain the same. However, because of the club being closed during part of last season, all members (apart from Minis and Juniors) will be given a 30% discount on their renewed membership. This season all membership renewals will once again be done through ClubSpark, including payment. All details will be on the membership email that all current members will receive after the AGM. The new coloured membership disc, which this season is yellow, will be distributed once payment has been received. The adoption of the accounts was proposed by Anna Amasanti and seconded by Nigel Hanley.
Captains’ Reports Clare Smith, Ladies’ Captain, read her short report, and a copy of her report can be obtained on request. There had been no matches, but there had been a regular Ladies’ Team Practice which had been very successful.
Simon Terrell, Men’s Captain, read his report, and a copy of her report can be obtained on request. He welcomed all new members and mentioned the successful Zoom Meeting that we had held for them a couple of months ago – no doubt we will do this again. The Men’s Invitation Team Practice had been a real success, and it was encouraging to see that a Men’s D team had been formed, captained by Kerry Edmondson. We now had a number of strong juniors who had been able to play in a few organised Box matches during the summer and they had been very successful. These youngsters should now be included in some of the Men’s matches. A challenging year for all through which we thank all the Committee for their support.- we cautiously look forward to the forthcoming new season with fingers crossed!
Secretary’ Report June Snellin read her report and a copy of this report can be obtained on request. Sadly we had lost three of our long standing members this year – Brian Springer, Brian Barrettwho had worked with the Juniors and Tuesday/Thursday Adult group for a number of years, and Jill Oakley who for many years had been on the Club Committee and Minutes Secretary and was also involved with the Juniors.
Match Secretary Fiona Falco (as the outgoing Match Secretary) read her short report, but with no matches being played this season, there was little to say.
Ground/Maintenance Colin Winn read his short report. A number of maintenance jobs had been undertaken during the year: - Annual refurbishment of courts 1, 2 and 3 by Tennis 2000 - Annual tree cutting around courts - New splash backs put in place in Ladies and Gents Toilets in clubhouse - Storage shed had been cleared and tidied by Dave Wright and Heidi Cornwall enabling Colin and Dave, the groundsman, to sort out and clear rubbish items from around the club - New coat hangers were being placed on each court (some already completed) - donated by John Chance - The flowers pots outside the clubhouse are to be replaced - PAT Testing is still outstanding due to Covid19 - Outside spotlight is also still outstanding due to Covid19
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| Tournnament Committee/Juniors Dave Wright read his report, a copy of his report is available on request. This has been a strange year, but a positive year for Junior and Adult groups We now have 70 juniors, and there are now lots of different groups for all levels of players and families. All of this hard work isn’t done by just me I have a lot of people around me to make things easier and to do all of the really hard work! I would like to thank Evie, Tom, James, Zach, Harry and Heidi for helping me out on court without you guys I wouldn’t be able to run what we can run. A special thanks to Heidi for doing all posters and artwork around the club and generally being more organised than me. Sincere thanks to Heidi for her help with posters and publicity. Another big thank you is to Jamie who is no longer at the club, with his help he gave a lot of our juniors a taste at individual coaching and some fantastic improvement was seen in all of our players and a lot of that was down to him. I am working on a new Junior coach as we speak and hopefully we will have something to announce in the coming weeks. Another exciting prospect is an addition to our coaching team is Phil Hammond. I am excited to work with Phil who has vast experience and will be a great addition to the team. Although he has been unable to participate more recently, thanks to Phil Woods for his assistance with the Juniors Thanks to Fiona and June for all their help and support Thanks to the Committee
Buxton Trust Unfortunately our two Tennis representatives were not present (Adrian Hart and Ken Randleson) – Nigel has had no recent contact with the Buxton Trust
Adoption of Trustees Annual Report Richard Crone confirmed that all necessary forms had been completed and submitted. The meeting agreed to the adoption of the Annual Report
6. Election of Trustees The existing Trustees were willing to remain, i.e. Richard Crone, Fiona Falco and Nigel Hanley. This was proposed by June Snellin and seconded by Richard Risdon.
7. Election of Officers We have received a nomination for Frank Corrales to take over the role of Match Secretary proposed by Warren Dowd and seconded by Chris Tanfield.
Chairman - Fiona Falco Treasurer - vacant Secretary - June Snellin Captains - Clare Smith & Simon Terrell Match Secretary - Frank Corrales
The Officers were elected ‘en bloc’ by all members present – proposed by Simon Terrell, seconded by Alison Halls
8. Appointment of recommended committee members We have received a nomination for Nicola Wilmott to join the committee proposed by Dave Wright, seconded by Nicky Howson
Helen Combden, Heidi Cornwall, Nigel Hanley, Phil Woods, Nicola Wilmott, Dave Wright
These members were also elected ‘en bloc’
9. Appointment of Auditor Community 360 This was accepted by the meeting, proposed by Fiona Falco and seconded by Nicky Howson
10. Adoption of Club Rules These were accepted by the meeting, pprposed by Nigel Hanley and seconded by Richard Crone
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| 11. Any Other Business - Thanks to Anna Amasanti and Lesley Foot, as outgoing Treasurers, for all their hard work and commitment over the past 5 years – in particular this last testing year. - Alison Halls asked if it has been the intention of the club to retain the court booking system once we got back to ‘normal’. The general feeling of the meeting is that we should but this will be confirmed by the Committee in due course - Nicky Howson had missed the item regarding membership discount for 2021, and asked if this was going to happen and of course, the answer was ‘yes’! - It was lovely to see the Life Members and Vice Presidents who had been able to join us this evening – Tony Farr, Richard Risdon, Pat Walter. Margaret Prescott had also hoped to be with us but unfortunately her IPad decided to play up so she had to send her apologies instead!
The meeting finished at 20.16 |