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Stormy weather. Photo: random one - we forgot to get team pics!

Sorry for the gap in write ups - we have been in Cornwall!

1st of all , Christine's  write-up of the B team match:

A good match despite losing 0 - 8

I think we all enjoyed the experience but unfortunately Winchester managed to put out a lot stronger team than us. Mind you they are the club that yo-yos between the premier and div 1. The team was Steve and Christine, Paul Stavely and Ava, Jon Saville and Julie and Jon Francis and Erin.

In the first round Steve and Christine were pleased to be the only pair not to lose a set 0 6!! Round 2 was a lot closer.

It was lovely to have the clubhouse open, and most useful to shelter in when we had a downpour. Also nice to be able to make a 'cuppa'


The A team was away on Bassett's lovely new courts. We had a very young team - just 2 of us representing the over 50s! All 4 men were home from university and  with some help from the ladies  they helped  secure a 3-1 lead after the mixed doubles round . Number 1 and 2 ladies went down to  strong  Bassett pairs -  our men's 1s sailed through their match leaving the men's 2s to secure a nailbiting win in a third set to ensure a 5-3 win  overall - well done boys! Next week it's  Apsley A v Lee on Solent at home and a men's A away at Denmead.