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May 27th

On saturday Marcin and Arjun came away victorious  from Avondale in the National League 16 and under -a  great win in the doubles for an overall 2-1 win with Marcin getting 2 out of 2 . 

Apsley A had their 1st match of the season against Winchester B and managed a 6-2 win despite being a lady down ( and Kelsey feeling the effects of a party the night before !!) Thanks to Inger for playing on her birthday. Well done Anna, Ryan, Jin, Kelsey, Inger, Mats and Loz.

Men's NCL were away to East Gloucester on Sunday - it was a bit of a nail biter and came down to a shoot out with Mats loosing 15-13 - so although it was 3-3 in matches the opposition took the win. Amazing tennis on display. Well done Paul, Kurt,Jin and Mats.

Doing it all again next weekend! Let me know any other match updates.