Kids Tennis

Mini Tennis introduces the sport of tennis in a fun and interactive way, giving better chance of success for young players aged 3-18 and beyond!

Using modified tennis balls, racquets, nets and courts, young players are properly equipped to enjoy rallies and learn the fundamentals of the game early on. Skills are developed much quicker, allowing for an easier transition to full court. The LTA fully endorses Mini Tennis and is developing programs and competitive structures across the country to give more players the opportunity to experience its positive benefits. You can also help create a positive environment for children by providing the right support and encouragement. Here are some top tips to help you and your child have fun playing tennis:

  • Allow your child to gain confidence and enjoy the game by playing in the appropriate stage of Mini Tennis until they can control the ball and implement skills effectively.
  • Get to know the Mini Tennis Rally Awards and encourage your child to practise the relevant skills.
  • Practise with your child at home, at the place you play tennis, on holiday and with friends. Explain the Fair Play values as this will encourage good behaviour and sportsmanship in lessons and matches
  • Focus on performance and effort instead of results. Ask “How did you play?” or “Did you have fun?”
  • Help your child to understand that respect for the rules, opponents and officials is part of playing and enjoying the game.

Contact Coach Jonty for details:

07956 524428