Booking App

The ClubSpark Booker App is available for download on iOS and Android.

STEP 1 - Sign into the App, using the same account details that you use to sign into ClubSpark

STEP 2 - Select 'Make a Booking'. So long as you have registered, the App will automatically recognise you are affiliated to Townsend LTC.

STEP 3 - Next, select your court type, followed by the day and time and duration that you would like to play. Please note, only available times will be displayed.

STEP 4 - Selecting 'book now' will bring up the below confirmation overlay. You will be asked to  enter your card details.

Your booking will then appear in your 'coming up' tab.

The app is synced to Townsend’s booking sheet, so any bookings made on the app, will also be added to the booking sheet.