
ULTC Update


Valued Members

We are delighted to  welcome back members for play and coaching activities from Wednesday 2nd December 2020, our court booking system will remain in place and is now open. Revised operating procedures are detailed on the policy page of the site.

The GDT team will be ready and waiting to get us back up to speed, whether it be coaching or Cardio

We are aware of the current court condition and we are working with our contractor to find a start date for the re-surfacing project, we hope this will be in early January 2021, weather permitting.

Following a recent Safeguarding Audit we have completed the update of our policies which can also be viewed on the website, we would like to thank everyone that responded to the survey conducted by the LTA.

As with all leisure and hospitality venues USC has suffered greatly during this pandemic, not just financially but with the wellbeing of it's members, Tennis section support has been incredible and ULTC members have been instrumental in keeping the club alive in terms of atmostphere and membership revenue. Our clubhouse is hoping to re-open for food and drink next week under the government guidelines - If you are able to support the club by coming for a meal and a drink then please do so, we do have a small heated outdoor space which can also be utilised by members, more information will follow from USC


Please stay safe and enjoy be back on court!