
Club hosts annual Open Day

On Saturday 20th April, Vicars Moor hosted it's annual Open Day which was an amazingly well supported event. We were lucky to get a dry and partly sunny day, and it attracted a huge turnout of our members and also guests to the club.

We were supported on the day by Bright Ideas for Tennis, a charity that helps club raise money for charitable causes. Danny Sapsford and Luke Milligan (both former Davis Cup British players) ran training sessions throughout the afternoon, we had a fastest serve competition, a raffle run by ThomasJames estate agents, and a BBQ / open bar all afternoon.

On the day we raised £900 to support the special education needs programme we run for Fern House School. We also hosted the local charity Re-Engage (supporting lonely people and getting them out into the community) and Africa Appeal (old tennis equipment to be sent to Africa).

We are also delighted to welcome many new and prospective members to the club!