
Volunteers' Maintenance Day

On Saturday 1st June, a small army of club volunteers headed to Vicars Moor for the Maintenance Day. This annual event is an opportunity for club members to pitch in and help out to get jobs done which not only makes the club look fantastic but also saves us thousands of pounds too! This year, we had just over 20 members come down to help out. And whilst this isn't as many as we'd normally have, you wouldn't be able to tell from the amount of work completed! We had multiple new flowerbeds installed, the entire outsides of the club house and coaches' shed painted, the inside of the bar and cellar cleaned from top to bottom and every window in the clubhouse scrubbed to within an inch of its life! A huge well done and thank you to all of the members who were able to take part. If you were unable to make Maintenance Day but would like to do your bit, please do contact us. There are jobs - big and small - for everyone!