

Junior Singles Tournaments

Parent & Child Tournament

All tournaments will be open to all junior players aged 18 and under.

Depending on the interest it is expected there will be 2 different age categories for each event (18 and under and or 12 and under) although this will be  confirmed once we know the level of entries.

The aim is for as many juniors as possible to be introduced and enjoy competive tennis at an appropriate level.

Players will be grouped together in a mini league and will play a match against everyone in their group.

Players to organise a convenient day / time to play, the league matches need to be played before Sunday 11th August.

The finals of all events will take place on Saturday 17th August, alongside the Budleigh adult competitions (full details of the length of matches and scoring will be confirmed with the draw and at the pre tournament preparation day)

The Parent and Child Tournament—the adult can be a parent, foster parent, carer or grandparent.  If one parent has 2 children if they are of different ages one parent could play with both children, or if both children are the same age an alternative adult can play! Parents please remember however competitive you are this is for your children to enjoy competition!!! 

There is NO charge for Junior Budleigh Members to enter. 

To enter please email Jo : com which events you would like to enter (and the name of the parent—for the parent & child event) BEFORE FRIDAY 10TH MAY.

There will be a pre tournament session (no charge) for all children and parents at Budleigh on Saturday 11th May from 9.30-10.30, the aim of this session is to help players (or parents) with any questions concerning scoring etc..etc…

By entering parents are agreeing to share their telephone number or email    address with other parents / players in the same group in order to arrange matches.

Good luck and have fun!