
Exciting new junior programme at Budleigh Tennis Club

New players to the game

COME AND GIVE IT A GO  (4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th & 13th April)

A perfect opportunity for new players or returning players to be introduced to tennis with a range  of fun skills, practices and games

5-7  years 9.00 –9.45  click here to book and select the days you want to book

8 –11 year olds 9.45—10.30 click here to book and select the days you want to book

Book 1,2,3,4,5 or all 6 sessions during the Easter holiday

£6.50 per session


Loads of fun challenges.

5-7 years 9.00—9.45 click here to book

8—11 years 9.45—10.30 click here to book

£6.50 per session

Players with some tennis experience

EASTER CHALLENGE Thursdays 6th & 3th April

An opportunity for players with some tennis experience (able to rally, serve and score) to challenge themselves in a range of skills, practices and games.

Red : 16.00 –16.45   click here to book and select the days you want to book 

Red / Orange :  16.45 –17.30 click here to book and select the days you want to book

Orange / Green : 17.30-18.15   click here to book and select the days you want to book

Yellow :  18.15  -19.00 click here to book and select the days you want to book

£6.50 per session or £5.50 Budleigh PLUS Junior Members

MAD 4 TENNIS Monday 3rd April

Suitable for those players, who already love the game of tennis and can rally, serve and score.

Orange / Green 9.00—10.00 click here to book

Yellow : 10.00 –11.00 click here to book

£8.50 per session or £7.50 Budleigh PLUS Junior Members